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Our Services

Eyebrow Grooming

Eyebrow grooming is an essential part of many people's beauty routine. This service typically includes shaping, tweezing, and filling in eyebrows to create a natural and polished look. Some businesses also offer threading, which is an ancient hair-removal technique that uses a twisted cotton thread to remove hair from the root. Eyebrow grooming can help to enhance one's natural features and create a more symmetrical and polished appearance.

Eyebrow Tattoos

Eyebrow tattoos, also known as microblading, is a semi-permanent makeup technique that uses a small handheld tool to apply pigment to the skin, creating the appearance of natural hair strokes. This service is particularly popular among people with sparse or uneven eyebrows, or those who want to save time on their daily makeup routine. Microblading can last up to 18 months, depending on the individual's skin type, lifestyle and aftercare. It is important to note that proper aftercare and touch-up sessions are essential to maintain the desired look.


Regular tattoos are a form of body art that uses a needle and ink to create a design on the skin. Tattoos can be done in a variety of styles, from traditional to modern, and can be used to express personal meaning or simply as a form of self-expression. The process of getting a tattoo typically involves choosing a design, discussing the placement and size with the artist, and then sitting for the tattoo to be applied. Regular tattoos can last for many years, and it is important to take proper care of a new tattoo to ensure that it heals well and retains its color.

“Love Permanent Designs - I’m always blown away by the quality of their work.”
Claire E.